søndag den 27. april 2014

At our English speaking friends

April 22th, 2014

On the last day of Easter, April 21th 2014
we lost our beautiful Rose, very suddenly.

She died in the arms of our family at 10.20 in the hospital. 
We were all together there. 

She was in good arms, and now she is in good arms.

Never forgotten, always in our hearts.

Birgitte, Jacob and Lara

April 24th, 2014
At the bed of our dead daughter.
To have our dead child lying in our home is something special. So many people dropping by, also children. It does us good in these difficult times. And we talk to Rose and say: Rose, now we are just leaving for a sec. And we think she is breathing. And we tell her the bedtime story she loved most and we cry and we touch. And we miss. Already.

April, 24th 2014
It's so strange, the pictures we have taken of Rose are the pictures we already took. There will not be any new pictures. No more new smiles, new succeses, new experiences where we can snap her. Not more recordings of what she says, her expression, her movements or her development. I don't understand it completely yet. For there must be something that I can take pictures of...

April 24.th, 2014
About obituaries
Recently I read the following in an article in the newspaper Kristeligt Dagblad: Obituaries are only written about well known and important people.

And then I think that with all the people who are affected by Roses death, she must be a very important person. 

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